We are excited to announce the third annual Good Shepherd Bingo Night!!
The event will be held Saturday, February 25th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. This year will be in person only. We will have beer-wine-pop-water available (free will offering to Westonka Food Shelf). Eric Hoversten has graciously agreed to be our bingo caller!
We will have 10 games of Bingo that night with prizes of gift cards to local restaurants (see the amazing list below!) There will be gift cards to local restaurants as prizes for each game!
The cost for a 10-card set (1 card for each of the 10 games ) is $15 and you can purchase additional 10-card sets (as many as you want) for $5.00 each.
To sign up to play, and to order/purchase your Bingo card packs please use the link below: https://goodshepherdmn.breezechms.com/form/ce766a6158
All of the proceeds from the sale of the cards will be donated to our local Westonka Food Shelf as part of our Good Shepherd March Foodshare Month Campaign.
We hope you will join us for a fun family night!